
Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to the Basics

Ok, I apologize for the design changes over the past few months. I've been viewing a lot of blogs trying to decide what works. It seems, as with most things in life, simpler is better. I like being able to focus on the words & photos instead of the background.

So, back to white. I'll probably be playing with the banner (as I'm not quite happy with it yet), but hopefully the design of the blog should remain close to as-is.

On a related note, I've been wondering about the appropriate blog ratio. That is, is it better to blog frequently even if each post isn't the most thrilling or is it better to blog infrequently with more deep & insightful posts?

The pressure is quite great with the infrequent blogs. It seems the longer I wait, the more pressure I feel to come up with some life-shattering words of wisdom....something that explains my long absence, something brilliant that I discovered in my time of reflection.

I also noticed that those who tend to blog frequently (see my list of blogs I like to visit) tend to have something insightful to add each post! Perhaps it is the discipline that drives the energy which creates positive messages to be shared.

So -- here is my intent: to blog each weekday for at least the month of September. YIKES! I really don't know who is actually reading this blog, but if you are - please keep me accountable. This is a scary committment to make, but hopefully it will help with some form of discipline in my life.

I can't promise earth-shaking, deeply inspiring posts...but sometimes the best thing to do is just to show up.

Au revoir - see you tomorrow.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Manifestations of Life

Ok, so this blog will definitely never win any awards. It may be difficult enough for friends who check it to follow what in the world is going on. I don't blame you - I'm not quite sure myself!

This LifeUnity blog is my attempt at unifying all of those paths I'm on - yoga, creative exploration, motherhood, goddess, dish washer, photographer,... needless to say, it's a challenge finding a common thread. The blog is a bit of this, a bit of that - the unity comes through the story of my life. It is a path (albeit a fun, fast, winding one!) where I'm stopping at every pond to dip my toes in the waters, trying to say hi to passers by and learn a little bit of their story, and constantly figuring out how to move when I need to move and rest when I need to rest. It is my life journey.

The other blogs ( and get a bit more specific on areas of my path (my kids & their awesomeness and the inspirations along the path that kick my butt when I need it). This one? The stew that is simmering to delicious goodness.

So if the blogs seem a bit random, a bit neither here nor there, forgive me. As the saying goes, "Not all who wander are lost". These blog entries are the story of my life, the wandering, weaving, up and down, climbing & stumbling days of my journey. I am slowly embracing my creative self, letting go of fear, and awakening over and over to the sheer magnitude of life (but I've been known to hit the snooze button repeatedly).

"The role of the artist is not to find solutions, but to compel us to love life in all its countless, inexhaustible manifestations" -Leo Tolstoy

Through my ramblings, it is my hope to compel both you and myself to embrace and love life in whatever forms it takes.

Namaste my dear friends.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Please Forgive The Mess

You may notice a few changes to this blog over the coming days. I truly believe a pretty blog is quite important ... beauty behind the words only makes them stronger!

Unfortunately, my technical knowledge is limited. I'm playing around with what I can do, so please forgive the construction mess as I figure this out.

(Thanks to "The Cutest Blog On The Block" at for the current banner and tons more cute artwork!)

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Small Things

I've noticed recently how the small gestures, the small minutes of kindness can make all of the difference.

A few weeks ago I had a run-in with our local Toyota dealership. I had to meet my husband over there to sort out some issues that have been going on for over a year. Upon leaving, I felt so angry, so dirty (in regards to the schmoozy way I was treated) that I angrily drove home and had to "work it out" over 20 minutes on the elliptical (at least I gravitated towards a healthy way to let it out, no?!). I was furious!

I had to go back a few days ago to have the part that had been ordered installed in the Toyota. I ran into the same gentleman who had so infuriated me the other day. While he still seemed in "show mode", he stopped after taking my key to get the car and said, "I am sorry for all of the frustrations - thank you for being so nice about it all." I don't know if he meant what he said, but suddenly, I wasn't (as) angry anymore. I didn't like the way I was treated, but I lost all aggressiveness towards this person. A few words and my soul was more at peace.

On a related stress-note, my son starts kindergarten on Wednesday. (More on that anxiety in another blog.) I've been nervous about his soon-to-be school as, based off statistics (on the government education website) from the past few years and our recent visit, the school seems a lot more disorganized and not at the level I'd like. (I feel horrible even saying that!) Regardless, after two lotteries, he won the ability to enroll in a full-day kindergarten (for which we are paying additional).

Today, I received a message on our home phone from his soon-to-be teacher. She invited us to the school tomorrow to meet her, see the classroom, etc. I was thrilled. The one minute it took her to make that phone call has renewed my sense of enthusiasm for the year.

These are just a few personal examples of how small things can make a difference. I'm always looking for inspiration (in hopes that I can keep motivated to find and shine my kindness!)...and have found plenty across the web. (I've blogged more about that in my other blog, .)

Take just a minute today to share a nice thought with someone, smile when you aren't, or make that phone don't know how big of a difference it could make.