
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Division Within Unity - How I'm Going to (Try) to Post

I have contemplated making different blogs for different aspects of my life - mini/triathlon training, crafting, motherhood, yoga, etc. - but the whole point of "LifeUnity" is the recognition that all of these things flow into one another. What I learn while tripping over my own feet in running helps me keep my balance with the kids. What messages I find on the mat in yoga come through in my craft/art work.

However, I do realize that some readers may be more interested in one thing over another. To help with ease of reading, I'm going to try (for now - we'll see how it works!) to at least create different posts based on the topic. For example, this next post will primarily be on my training (and what I'm learning!!). Please be aware that, as with life, lessons will flow through if you are interested in the "hmmm" behind the "what", you may want to read all of them! Even if you swear you'll never run (like I did about a year ago - really), you may pick up something that will change your mind...or at the very least, give you a new perspective on the "running" you do in your own life.

Let's see how this goes - on to the next post!!


  1. the thing about blogs is that they can be personal, which is a beautiful Gift. :)

    Look forward to reading about your Journey!!

  2. Gotta love the personalization! I find that the more honest a blog is to the person who created it, the more I enjoy reading it. (I need to keep repeating that to myself.) :)

    Thanks...I look forward to sharing (and to keeping up with yours, you wonderful eco-inspiring lovely!)

  3. i love the idea. looking forward to seeing how it works out for you. hugs!!
