
Friday, January 7, 2011

Why I Do What I Do

It is about who I want to be.
Who I am inside and who I portray outside.
Who I am when I interact with others, and how I feel about that.
What I do when no one is watching, and how I feel about that.

It is about my default mode.
The thoughts that pop in my head and direct me when I am unaware of them.
Where I turn after a long day.
What foods I grab when I'm starving.

It is about how I want to feel.
How deeply I feel or how numb I am to it all.
Where my smiles originate - my mouth or my heart.
How much I care about quality - not of my life, but of this moment.

It is about how connected and aware I am.
Whether you appear to me as a mirror or a stranger.
If I see in myself (and the weed) the alive spirit or laugh it off as New Age
How easily I sink into the muck of ignorance or swim in the river of awareness.

It is why I do everything I do.  It is why I return again and again to those things that are difficult.  It is why I stumble - then stay down for a rest or get up and keep going.  It is why I cannot go along with the training others accept, the way I've been told things "should be", the way that would make life much easier and more comfortable.

It is why I do everything I do.

And You?


  1. This is absolutely beautiful.
    Absolutely inspiring.
    And absolutely yearning to be incorporated into a piece of artwork.


  2. This resonates to deeply and lovely, thank you again Lisa, for the beauty you share through your words.

    What especially grabbed me though this morning is this:

    "Where my smiles originate - my mouth or my heart."

    I had a moment like spoke so loudly to me, my passion, my love, had shifted, I was smiling from my mouth, not my heart. Oh dear. It was time for a change. A big one. Oh dear. But I did it. Last night. I ended something that had "run it's course." And I know it will make room for something beautiful to bloom.

    Thanks for this space to *share* this moment out into the Universe! :o)

    Joining you in the river of awareness...what a delight!

  3. So gorgeously written, Lisa. This is a true embodiment of your spirit. Thanks! Theresa

  4. Lisa,
    This was a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
    It reminds me to be aware of my habitual actions. It also reminds me to understand that I am a work in progress always changing and evolving.
