
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Run with your IPod

I ran this morning.  And when I say ran, I mean jogged.  And when I say jogged, I mean painfully-sweated-through-an-a.m.-something-or-other-where-I-was-moving-my-legs-with-no-real-intention-other-than-finishing-so-I-could-get-some-water.

I THANK all of those who commented that I motivated them to start running or exercising or just plain moving because it is You who now motivates me.  Knowing you were out there - somewhere - this morning got me out of bed and on the road.  Around 2.5 miles later I was done, but so grateful I had done it.

And oh my, those thoughts that come during running.

I ran this morning with my IPod.  During the last few weeks of training for the mini-marathon and during subsequent runs (sadly around 1 time / week), I have rarely used it.

It was interesting - the entire experience felt different.  I had an awareness of how the tempo of the music effected my mood, my thoughts, and my pace.  I watched as I got carried away on thoughts that were drilled in from lyrics (You better believe I'm a fighter, Miss Christina!).  I listened as my mind defined hills differently - SO easy or freakin' impossible - depending on what part of the song I was on. 

I wouldn't say it was better or worse than running without music...just different.

And so it is. 

No right or wrong, just different.  Different perspectives, ever-so-slightly different experiences that create different definitions that create more blissful awareness of the depths of possibility in each moment.


My yoga has consisted of a few sun salutations and legs-up-the-wall while devouring a delicious book (Women Who Run With the Wolves...yeah, I'm probably the last one to read this).  It is my yoga practice for the day.  Different than other days, perhaps, but not wrong.

As far as the writing?  I am writing this blog, emails to customer service providers pleading for information on how a domain transfer happens, and a great deal of journaling as I delve into thoughts prompted by Flying Lessons and The FireStarter Sessions.  I've counted some words in the journal but want to focus more so on the awareness that I am writing and that whatever form I'm using, to whomever it is directed, it is important.

Right then, right there, it is my voice and everything it has to express in that moment

There is no right or wrong way to express it, just different ways.  Today, 800 words is probably too few to share it all.  Tomorrow, 800 might be far too many.

Amidst the journaling, I keep my sketchbook close by as thoughts prompt visual inspiration.  I sketch, following lessons I'm learning in Suzi Blu's class, which sometimes releases my thoughts...and sometimes brings them right back flowing through my pen into my journal.

Playing with perspectives and keeping entertained by it all.  Tomorrow, I might forget to do this and get bogged down by the crap that I keep tripping over throughout the house.  The day after, I may remember...I may not.

Day after day, not right or wrong.
Just different.


  1. Lisa, I LOVE using my ipod when I walk or am @ the Y! I never used earbuds before I had my ipod and the music is AMAZING! I didn't think I wanted one and my daugher got me one of the little skinny red ones for Christmas with my name and phone number engraved on it! How cool is that! I listen to it and think "OH! I like THIS song and THIS song and THIS song!" :-)
    hug you, Cheryl

  2. Good for you!!! I find music very motivating on the treadmill and you are right, depending on what is playing it really can effect my movement!
    I'm getting ready to do my workout now and it was awesome to read your words...thanks!

  3. I don't believe in running, so it wouldn't do me much good to use an iPod for it. HA! I do like it when I hit the elliptical, though. that photo of you journaling. FOR REALS! Your handwriting is so even and perfect and wonderful! No, I know I can't read it, but you can totally tell it is gorgeous! Wonderful handwriting makes me happy.

  4. Keep it up, Lisa!!! You might not reach your goal every day - but you just need to try and stay on course. I agree with Jingle, your writing is impressive! And I spy a gorgeous goddess drawing in the background - yah you! :) Theresa

  5. atta girl!! way to get back on the road! i slacked big time yesterday and today, opting instead for wine with lunch and a big chocolate cupcake for dessert. can't win every day i guess?!

  6. You go girl! OK so I haven't run or anything crazy like that but the sweetie and I are talking about joining a gym... one with free day care when you take a class... might actually get me to do it!!! Thanks for inspiring me!

    I gave you a blog award today... Click here to check it out. No response needed unless you want. Just know I appreciate your blog and you!!

  7. I've been doing okay on the yoga portion ... am using a book called "Yoga Body Diet Book" (not wild about that title!) which is an ayurvedic approach and doing the sequences appropriate for my whacked out Vata. The writing? I think in trying to catch up with everyone I've written 800 words in comments! (How long is 800 words? and why do i keep typing 00 here?)

    Please let me know what you find out about domain name from blogger. I've been wanting to do that as well, but afraid of the process and messing things up.

    and i am up to the point in FSS of discovering how it is i want to feel in my vocation. oh, yeah - love it!
